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Sleeping in Summer and Beating the Heat 

With summer comes longer, sunny days, but also significant challenges for sleep. Getting a good night's sleep in the sweltering heat and humidity can be difficult due to the high temperature disrupting our sleep patterns. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to help you beat the heat and ensure you sleep soundly, including enjoying refreshing and healthy beverages like sleep iced tea.


Why Care About Sleep?

Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It supports cognitive function, mood regulation, and physical health. However, during the summer months, high temperatures can interfere with our ability to fall and stay asleep, leading to restless nights and groggy mornings.


How Heat Affects Sleep

Our body temperature naturally decreases during sleep, which helps us transition into deeper stages of rest. When the ambient temperature is too high, this cooling process is disrupted, making it harder to achieve restorative sleep. Therefore, managing your sleeping environment and routine becomes crucial during the summer.


Our Tips for Better Sleep in Summer:


Create the Best Sleep Environment

Creating a cool and comfortable sleeping environment is key to beating the summer heat. Use lightweight, breathable bedding materials such as cotton or linen, which allow for better air circulation. Consider investing in a fan or air conditioning unit to keep your bedroom cool. Blackout curtains can also help by blocking out the sun’s rays, keeping the room darker and cooler.


Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is vital during the summer, as we tend to lose more fluids through sweat. Dehydration can lead to discomfort and restless nights. Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. However, avoid consuming large amounts of fluids right before bedtime.


Evening Routine and PJs

Taking a cool shower before bed can help lower your body temperature and prepare you for sleep. Additionally, wearing loose, lightweight pajamas made of natural fibers can enhance comfort.


The Sleep Iced Tea

One enjoyable way to stay cool and promote better sleep is by incorporating sleep iced tea into your evening routine. Our sleep ice tea, NAP,  is a specially crafted blend of herbs known for their calming and sleep-inducing properties, served cold to provide a refreshing escape from the summer heat.


Cooling Techniques

Consider using a cooling pillow or mattress pad to help regulate your body temperature during the night. You can also place a bowl of ice or frozen water bottle in front of a fan to create a makeshift air conditioner.



Sleeping in summer can be challenging due to the heat but by implementing these strategies that help you beat the heat, you can enjoy a restful night's sleep. Optimize your sleep environment, stay hydrated, adjust your evening routine, and consider incorporating sleep iced tea for its calming benefits. With these tips, you can embrace the summer season without sacrificing the quality of your sleep!

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